Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Review of Directed Verdict

Directed Verdict
By Randy Singer
Reviewed by Pat Beaty

This is a story of the persecuted church.  It is extremely well written by a storyteller who intends to bring his principal message to everyone via a fast moving and hard-hitting work of fiction.  The reader will be surprised at the skill and passion of this writer as he carefully weaves several plots into what I would call a timely, “educational” and remarkable work.

In the beginning of this far-reaching, intriguing story, the reader is introduced to most of the main characters, including a missionary couple and an attorney – who must be considered the hero.  During this section, and later, as the action continues, we come to know a variety of peoples both of admiral and questionable morals.

There is agony and suffering during a portion of Mr. Singer’s writing, but he does not cause distress to the reader for long as action and rapid movement carries the reader’s’ interest through a series of happenings which both entertain and gather the concern of Christians (and others, it would be hoped).  The events occur in the Middle East, America, and back and forth between the two areas, but this does not take one’s concentration away from the central theme – one of good and evil, one of love for others, and ingrained hatred for others.

Although I would call this a modern Christian murder mystery, the murderer is obvious.  However, there is a real “who-dunnit” that occurs as you wind your way through this exciting book.  Take this reviewers advice: if you are a reader who normally reads the end of the novel first, you would do well to abandon this habit this time.  This is a murder mystery, but not in the sense of Earl Stanley Gardner or Agatha Christie, and a legal thriller in the genre of John Grisham.

This novel has all the elements of a work you will enjoy and from which you will benefit: mystery, fascinating characters, intrigue, and a Christian premise.  The reader will enjoy this one immensely!