Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Review of "The Harbinger"

The Harbinger
(The Ancient Mystery That Holds the Secret of America’s Future)
Jonathan Cahn
Reviewed by Pat Beaty

The word harbinger means: “one that presages or foreshadows what is to come,” and the author could not have entitled this book more accurately.  I feel that every American should read this work, but at the same time, I must caution you – the theme of it is a matter of grave concern.  In other words, you may find that, in the above definition, “foreshadows” is the more adequate word. 

This book is one you must read if you love your nation, but it is going to amaze you, confound you; and, hopefully, cause you to realize that we Americans are, like the ancient Hebrews were, very close to supreme judgment.  The hedge of protection has already been removed so we can now only conjecture what is ahead.  Your concern for your country will grow as you read about the “nine harbingers of judgment…that appeared in the last days of ancient Israel and are now appearing in America.”

To say that I was shaken by the similarities this author itemized as he presented the factual information he has discovered is putting it mildly.  The reader will absolutely be shocked and fascinated by the affinity of past events to today’s happenings that this author clearly demonstrates.  The connection between Al Qaeda and ancient Assyrians will make you pause in your reading and contemplate the difference between then and now – or if there is a significant difference. 

The chapters “Eternity” and “The Last Seal” are worth the reader’s time if he reads nothing else, but you must read the complete work  - and you will not be able to put it down once you begin.  This is one book you don’t casually toss aside.  My hope is that you, like me, will want to warn many others of the possible upcoming events and will want to pray for our nation often as a result of the this reading.

In addition, it is my hope that this review is a harbinger of good reading for you as you delve into this engrossing book.  It is written in storybook fashion that even expresses humor in the midst of its extremely serous message. 

“The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with dressed stone: the fig trees have been felled, but we will replace them with cedars,” Isaiah 9:10

This book is jarring, disturbing, ominous but, strangely, I enjoyed it more than I can tell you.