Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Church Awakening

The Church Awakening
(An Urgent Call for Renewal)
By Charles R. Swindoll
Reviewed by Pat Beaty

“I will build my church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.” Matthew 16:18.  Jesus said this in such an emphatic way that every Christian knows He means business.  However, are we turning our churches into businesses in this post-modern era, the author of this book asks?

This has happened or is happening, he feels.  He states that “Jesus was the originator of the church.  It was His idea. He protects it. He leads it. He alone is its head.”

“The church is a body of people called out from among the world for the distinct and unique purpose of glorifying their Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.” The author feels that this purpose is being eroded but this erosion does not have to occur. He feels we must “wake up and devote ourselves to doing God’s work God’s way.  He feels we must devote ourselves to the four essentials of a church: “the apostles teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer” (Acts 2:42).

The author does not mince words as he strongly emphasizes that we, as a church, must think “spiritually”, “stay Biblical,” and “be flexible.” He believes that these three principles must be foremost in our minds as we seek to counteract any sign of erosion in our church (each individual church). He explains these principles with very good examples, as well as references to the Bible.

In his comparison of today’s church with the first church he points out that we, today, don’t face persecution; we haven’t’ been asked to die for our faith…yet. This writer concentrates his remarks on Paul and Peter at one point in his discussion and gives a very fascinating description of their activities, feelings, and accomplishments.  He discusses the way the “adversary” assaulted the early church on a number of fronts. The reader will find this enlightening.  “The adversary will stop at nothing to disrupt and, if possible, destroy the church.” “Always remember that.”  If you read nothing else in this excellent work, you must read the section: “Distinctives of a Contagious Church.”

There is so much in this treatise that I cannot possibly describe all the illustrations, examples, and other things.  Trust me, this book is a must-read for everyone; it is written in a clear understandable fashion and is a joy to read.  You will enjoy reading “Scaffolding,” an excerpt by Ruth Graham, wife of Billy Graham, in the conclusion.

This book is a timely and well thought-out essay on some very serious issues regarding every church.  Hopefully, and I agree with author of this, it will inspire the reader to discuss these matters with his minister, his Sunday School class, and leaders of his church.  I don’t feel it would be a bad idea to discuss with the entire congregation.