Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Review of Blessed Child

Blessed Child
By Ted Dekker and Bill Bright as Reviewed by Pat Beaty

This is the story of a ten-year-old boy who, after a harrowing escape from a near-death episode in Ethiopia, winds up becoming a healer to a great many people.  This is a Christian novel with several fascinating plots, most of which pit good against evil.

The characterizations, you will find, are absolutely stunning and despite the large number of people mentioned, the real hero in this well-written offering is the “Holy Spirit.”  You will sense His presence throughout.  While the book is clearly fiction, the reader will quickly see himself involved in the fast-moving action virtually from page one; and you will will yourself into the ongoing events continuously.

The writers, both well-known in Christian literature, state0 that they wanted “to draw a grand portrait of our God across the canvas of our world, an offering for His pleasure, rather than one for the pleasure of man.”  And, in my opinion, they have done both.  This is one of the most moving stories, both physically and emotionally, that this reviewer has ever been privileged to read.  In fact, it is fashioned so intricately and beautifully from beginning to end that this thought came to my mind:  If the world at large more readily accepted Christian (inspirational) fiction, this one rendering would be a classic example of English literature.

Trust me, this work, which begins with a simple story line, will catch you off guard as you read through it.  Although the main characters are, or appear to be plain ordinary good-guys and bad-guys, this book contains excitement, action, fast-moving occurrences, and much more.  Your reviewer cannot recommend it more highly.  Please read this one!  (Yes, Gracie, it even contains romance.)  Happy Reading!


October 2015 Book Review