Thursday, December 24, 2020

Review of Stages of the Soul

 Review of Stages of the Soul - God's Invitation to Greater Love by Nancy Kane

Reviewed by: Pat Beaty

Dear Christian: How far along are you in your journey to mature in Christ? This book is a beautifully written multi-faceted attempt to illustrate this glorious venture in five stages (steps). The stages represent periods of time in a Christian's lifelong effort to be transformed into who Christ wants them to be. She describes the many hurdles a believer has to cross and the many times we fail in this lengthy journey but emphasizes that the goal is worth all the pain and suffering.

The author is careful to include in this essay multiple references and quotations from the Holy Bible as well as appropriate events from notable other writers and educators to illustrate the points she makes - and you will find that what she says is accurate and believable.  (I feel that I must mention here that Mrs. Kane's writing even caused me to pause during my reading and think back to my own stages of the soul). 

You will most certainly find that reading this book will be a most wonderful and compelling experience; and, believe me, it is crying out for a place on your bookshelf.

Happy Reading!

Pat Beaty

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December 2020