Monday, December 16, 2013

Review of Max on Life

Max on Life
Answers and Insights to Our Most Important Questions
By: Max Lucado
Reviewed by Pat Beaty

When you first read the title of this book, I’m sure your reaction will be similar to that of many other believers – “What a vain, egotistical effort this work must be!!” However, trust me, you will be pleasantly surprised as you peruse the multifaceted questions and biblically based answers in this truly worthwhile resource.  It is written in the inimitable easy to comprehend style of this author, who is familiar to us all, and it is a GEM!  It caused me to stop and thoughtfully consider each question and answer.  I’m sure that you, too, will enjoy reading slowly through this wonderful writing.  You will be drawn into this reading experience if you merely read the table of contents. This I can promise you.

You will be introduced to some of the most beautiful happenings and thoughts in the Word of God:  “God loves the tapestry of the nations.  He has a white hot passion to harvest his children from every jungle, neighborhood, village, and slum.” “All the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord” (Numbers 14:21 ESV).

One of my favorite sections is under “Help: Prayer, Scripture, and Why Church?”  The author says “prayer pushes us through life’s slumps, propels us over the humps, and pulls us out of the dumps.”

Your reviewer hopes it does this for you too!

Previous reviews can be found at:  

Monday, December 2, 2013

Review of Jumping Hurdles - Hitting Glitches - Overcoming Setbacks

Jumping Hurdles- Hitting Glitches - Overcoming Setbacks
By Steve Brown
Reviewed by: Pat Beaty
When you begin to read something by this author I'm sure you react as I did: "this irreverent pastor!! How does God put up with him?!!!" Then you duck the expected bolt of lightining and resume your perusal of (what turns out to be) worthwille and encouraging information. This man is a devout Christian; and his humorous style of writing serves to enhance his thoughtful offerings, rather than to detract from them.
"If you listen or read between the lines of lifes fine print, you can hear God whispering, talking, and sometimes shouting: I am here! All is well!"
In this particular effort by Rev. Brown , you will find a varying "hodge-podge" of anecdotes, thoughtful, sometimes moving true events, borrowings from other authors and other inclusions.
Are they helpful? By all means! Are they thought-provoking? You can bet your life on it. Do they inter-relate and pertain to your life as a believer? You can bet your life on it!!! and you should!!!...This work, as you delve into it, takes you beyond everyday Christian thought. It gives rise to meditation in a way you would never imagine; in other words it grabs you and, please forgive the poor grammar, you will not want to be let-go-of.
It is unbelievable the number of subjects this writer touches on. And he refers to the Holy Bible continuously. Oh, and one more thought: Don't overlook the section entitled, "The most important thing in the world".
Merry Christmas!