Sunday, June 21, 2020

Review of Betrayed by Stan Telchin

Reviewed by 
Pat Beaty

The story you read in this brief book of 139 pages is delightfully written, but it as a serious undertone. I will admit that I giggled and laughed at various places throughout my reading, but a good amount of this was due to the joy I felt at the real happiness of the happenings.

The plot concerns a Jewish father, mother and two daughters. The action of this very action packed book begins when one of the author's daughters arrives home on a break from college and announces she has come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah. The title of the book becomes clear when the father-author announces to himself, "I've been betrayed! And by one of my own children!" From this point on, the script takes on activity and movement almost on its own - or so it seems.

To his credit, the father begins to read and study Jewish and Christian history as well as Biblical accounts of Jesus, as he strives to discover the truth. The reader will enjoy his accounts of his own and his wife's background as well as his descriptive feelings and mental wanderings.  He is so tense and nervous at first that he isn't sure who to ask, what to think, or what to do! However, in his frantic search for answers, he reads the prophecies and finally comes to a decision.  In the meantime, Mrs. Telchin and their other daughter have come to a decision themselves. 

In my hope that you will read this well-written and thought provoking story, I am hesitant to tell you the ending. 

Just a hint: Be certain that you read "A Look at Some Prophecies" at the end of this work. You will find it fascinating.

Happy Reading, 

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