Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Review of Gods at War

Gods at War
Defeating the Idols that Battle for Your Heart
Kyle Idleman
Reviewed by Pat Beaty

In this convicting book, and it is most assuredly that, the publisher didn’t forget to place an apostrophe between the “d” and the “s” in the title of this work.  It isn’t “God’s at War” and it is you and I, fellow Believer, who must step up to the battle line.  You will only have to read the introduction before loudly exclaiming, “whatchoo talkin’ ‘bout, Willis???  I’m a Christian – there is only one God in my life!”

I know we’re not complacent, but we do feel secure in our faith (at least I was until I considered this author’s unsettling conclusions.  You will not just be surprised – you will be startled at the things he brings to our attention.  “Idolatry is the number one issue in the Bible,” and this writer says, “that should raise caution signals for us.”  “Anything that becomes a substitute for God in our lives can become an idol.”

The author further states, “God loves you too much to share you.” You will be surprised at the number of things the author considers to be “gods” and at the detailed accounts of their pervasiveness in this writing. 

He lists many things that can be idols such as success, entertainment, and money.  He states that any activity that takes your time and that you concentrate time on, could be your god. Oh, by the way, the most aggressive and determined god, as you may have guessed depending on your level of humility, is the god named, very appropriately, ME.

Idleman does an excellent job in his explanations in this writing, just as he did in a previously reviewed work, “Not a Fan.” I strongly urge you to read this one. 

“You shall have no other gods before me.” Exodus 20:2-3

Previous reviews located at http://patbeaty.blogspot.com

January 21, 2014