Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Review of Traveling Light - June 2022

Traveling Light (Releasing the Burdens You Were Never Intended to Bear)

by Max Lucado

Review by Pat Beaty

This book is beautiful, and its beauty comes from the 23rd Psalm on which it is loosely based. Max Lucado masterfully takes each phrase of the beloved Psalm and uses it to help us understand why we don't have to carry so many burdens. We can travel light. The Shepherd watches over us (the Lord is our shepherd) and He provides for us (I shall not want) and so on.

One thing that stood out to this reader is the idea that we must be careful not to carry the baggage we don't need. Examples of this excess baggage are the burden of self-reliance, the burden of a lesser God, of weariness, worry, the grave, loneliness, shame, doubt, and homesickness (for heaven).

In summary, "The lesson is this: Meet today's problems with today's strength. Don't start tackling tomorrow's problems until tomorrow. You don't have tomorrow's strength yet. But you do have enough for today."

Happy Reading, Pat

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