Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Review of Don't Just Stand There

Don’t Just Stand There, Pray Something
(The Incredible Power of Intercessory Prayer)
by Ronald Dunn
Reviewed by Pat Beaty

This book is rich in information and explanations and most of it is about how we should approach the discipline of prayer.  Early on, the author states, “Prayer was God’s idea.  He created it for people who are weakened by sin, fickle in their commitment, at times overwhelmed by doubt, often discouraged and bewildered, and nearly always fretting about life.”  He also describes the “secret weapon” of the Kingdom of God (prayer) in an amusing but very apt manner that will enhance your enthusiasm for the remaining conclusions in this offering.

Why do we pray? You will find this author’s answer is one that will satisfy your mind and touch your heart (at least this is the way that I was affected.)

Prayer is discussed in a simple, non-technical way and in a very readable way throughout this work. The author draws heavily and almost exclusively on the Holy Bible – both Old and New Testaments, but he accentuates his thoughts with numerous references to interpretations by other authors as well as experiences (some of them delightful) in his own life and those of his church and family members.  He takes time to explain the true meanings of various words and phrases in the Good Book and, in the process, makes this book a very readable and worthwhile effort.

Fro the minister or church member who is planning to begin an intercessory ministry, Appendix A and Appendix B will also be worth reading. 

I was impressed by the fact that this book attempts to give the who, what, where, when, how, ifs, and whatevers of prayer.  It will hold your interest throughout.

“And whatever you ask in my name, that will I do, that the father may be glorified in the son.” (John 14:13)

Previous book reviews located at http://patbeaty.blogspot.com.

March 18, 2014