Saturday, July 21, 2012

Review of "Soon"

(The Beginning of the End)
by Jerry Jenkins
Review by Pat Beaty

This book, the first in a series of three was written by the author of the immensely popular “Left Behind” series.  I’d be surprised if most of you haven’t read “Left Behind.” 

Christian, what would you do if the worship of God was forbidden by international law, and the penalty for breaking this law was imprisonment or death?  This is the premise of this fascinating work of fiction…and it is one that you will find difficult to put aside until you have read it in its entirety.  It is the story of the underground church, at a most critical time in the future.

The plot is filled with a number of characters whose activities, good or bad, will fill the reader with either concern for their safety or disdain for their evil intentions or activities.  In other words, while we are concerned for the ultimate salvation of all, this engrossing work often has the reader either cheering or booing its characters throughout.

The author delves into the personalities of his “actors” in this book; and he actually has several stories going at the same time, which peaks the readers’ interest throughout this work.  While not exciting in the sense of one scene after another of danger and breath-taking episodes, this book will forcefully remind the people of God of what lies ahead in God’s plan for creation.  This author’s effort will fill the reader with the same feeling of urgency and immediacy as his earlier works; and it is based faithfully on the Word of God.  This reviewer was filled with a desire for self-examination and trust in our Savior as he “studied” each chapter.  I believe you will react in a similar way.

I won’t tell you the ending; but believe me, it will send chills up and down your spine. Why is it entitled “Soon”?  I will leave that up to you to figure out.

Earlier reviews available at:

July 21, 2012

1 comment:

  1. Ruthie read all of the Left Behind series! Thanks for the no-spoiler review!
